2018-08-13: Watched a few episodes of Batman: The Animated Series after...
2017-07-06: Remember these?
2017-06-23: @manton Possible bug: URL parsing includes trailing periods when it...
2017-06-23: Trying a new font from typography.com on my site, joshdick.net...
2017-05-29: New blog post: Controlling Whitespace and Empty Lines in Jekyll...
2017-05-25: @ben Just signed up for a brooksreview.net membership; just wanted...
2017-05-25: @ben Just signed up for a brooksreview.net membership; just wanted...
2017-05-25: @ben Just signed up for a brooksreview.net membership; just wanted...
2017-05-21: This has got to be the most mind-bending mash-up ever:...
2017-05-16: Finished watching episode 1 of Westworld and pumped to watch...
2017-05-05: Baby oyster mushrooms are just starting to grow up! They...
2017-05-04: Sometimes my office is alright.
2017-05-04: Today’s dictionary.com word of the day is “coruscant”. I see...
2017-04-30: Extinguishing fire with gunpowder: [www.youtube.com/watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGgz-VjMEeY) Very cool!
2017-04-29: Amazon’s Echo Look device looks like a HAL9000 panel, except...
2017-04-27: Now being on micro.blog, there don’t seem to be many...
2017-04-27: Incidentally, I accidentally found that a previous incarnation of my...
2017-04-27: Excited to be on micro.blog! Just launched a redesign of...